
I can't keep it on the shelf. It's a fantastic product, and even our members with extremely sensitive systems tolerate it with no problems at all.

Jonny J.

Owner, CrossFIT 5885

I love it... both flavors are wonderful... I have big plans and am in the process of coming up with creative and inspirational ways to use your protein... I am excited to have found a company / product with such integrity! Thank you!

Karen Junk

Owner, Hi-End Healing

I've been using Ultimate Paleo Protein powder for a year, and I am loving it!  I like to have a protein smoothie in the morning for a quick breakfast for myself and my kids, or as a post work-out recovery drink. It is very easy to digest and has no gluten, dairy, soy, or egg. My smoothies are smooth and creamy, and have no bad aftertaste from artificial sweeteners and fillers. I am so happy to have found this protein!

Jen Martin

I've been using Ultimate Paleo Protein for a couple of years and it's the best protein I have found for increasing muscle hardness and strength. As a former competitive powerlifter it's good to have the ability to lift more and recover well from heavy lifting and at almost 60 years old I have no digestive issues with this protein!!

P.S. One of my clients competed in a National Power Lifting contest and took silver, setting two state records in the 118-pound weight class!

Todd Erickson

Personal Trainer


Knowing the raw material source, composition, and production of Ultimate Paleo Protein, it is the closest protein powder to real food. I have full confidence recommending this to patients as a protein supplement.

Dr Paul Ratte, MDÂ